Senior Housing Unfiltered

Good Morning To The Night - A Wave of Unprecedented Unmet Demand is Coming

Tod Petty Episode 8

By 2030 the United States will have a massive shortage of appropriate senior housing. Every unit, every community, and every senior housing project coming out of the ground will be full.  Senior Housing Unfiltered breaks down the analytics, demographics, and psychographics behind the coming demand. We  discuss the new baby boomer client and their demand for a new senior housing model and what models are  emerging as a result of their insistence on relevancy and successful aging.  Join me today for 20-minutes and be prepared to be blown away. 

We highlight innovation, solutions, impact makers, and people making a difference in the senior housing field. Every moment is an opportunity for us to influence others and our world. Senior Housing Unfiltered delivers messaging to cause powerful, positive change through values-based leadership.